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Importance of selecting the best slurry pump

Sludge pumps, with a percentage of less than 10, are part of the total number of centrifugal pumps used in the industry. Still, this segment, although small, is equivalent to a high percentage of operating costs. For this reason, it is of great importance to know how the mining facilities work in order to be able to choose and know the dimensions of the pumping equipment, so that its characteristics can match the requirement and its efficiency can be optimized.

Based on the above, in today’s article we are going to detail some criteria that defend the importance of being able to choose well.

Mineral processing

Having a system that is reliable and highly efficient in the treatment of sludge is of great importance because it guarantees a fluid flow in the process. This operation is essential to increase productivity in mineral processing. This pumping system plays a vital role in any mining procedure that involves the use of water and other fluids.

However, for its part, the inefficient operation of sludge could mean that the plant simply has to stop operating, causing a considerable drop in the profitability of the project.

Mill operations

The role that logo pumps play in mineral processing applications is of great importance. Mud pumps are translated as a key component in this industry, especially in those operations that concern the mill.

Mud pumping systems move material throughout the plant, creating a grinding circuit in the mines. The pumps cannot fail because, if that were the case, the entire process would be interrupted.

What could cause a failure?

The most common problems that mud pumps have to face are linked to the misuse of the system, its inadequate size and the materials with which it must maintain contact. For this reason, it is essential to have a contingency plan that includes predictive maintenance to avoid further damage and consequences.

Its use in industry

The use and application of a mud pump in the industry has increased considerably over the years. Today, coal, phosphate, iron, copper and other mineral mines require them for their daily processes.

The crushers and mills required by the mining industries are large, since they process more material to optimize the resource of time. As a consequence, the bombs have to be even bigger than before.

HIDROpump has an extensive range of pumps aimed at all industrial sectors. Are you thinking of purchasing one? Contact us, we will be happy to guide you in your request.

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